Muscular Dystrophy Association Clinical and Scientific Conference
The MDA Clinical & Scientific Conference will take place from the 2nd to the 6th of March 2024 in Orlando, Florida, USA. This conference host more than 1000 attendees every year, including patients and their relatives, healthcare providers and industry and has become one of the most important scientific events in neuromuscular diseases of the year.
This year Prof. Jordi Díaz-Manera will deliver a talk about how the transcriptomic information obtaining through running single nuclei RNA sequencing in muscle biopsies of patients can help to identify new biomarkers for disease progression, new molecular targets for therapies and to better understand the disease mechanisms. The group has recently published a paper describing the finding of snRNAseq in muscle biopsies of DMD.
If you are interested in knowing more about the research that the team is doing in DMD please click here.


Jordi Díaz Manera