DMD Hub Manager
Networking Strand Lead
Emma Heslop (MSc) is the DMD Hub Program Manager and JWMDRC Network Strand Lead.
Emma trained as a biological evolutionary anthropologist at Durham University and joined the John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre at Newcastle University in 2006 to work on the EU network of excellence, TREAT-NMD.
Within TREAT-NMD Emma was responsible for leading the work relating to shared activities and tools and enhancing international collaborations. She coordinated the TREAT-NMD Advisory Committee for Therapeutics (TACT) and was the nominated first point of contact for industry enquiries to the network. From 2013 Emma managed the FP7 funded European project RD-Connect, where she was responsible for leading the strategic development and delivery of the project to ensure the deliverable and objectives were achieved.
Since January 2016 Emma has lead the work on establishing and running the DMD Hub, an initiative which has successfully expanded clinical trial capacity for Duchenne muscular dystrophy trials in the UK and developed into an infrastructure utilised by patients, sites and industry. She is team lead for the Networking strand within the John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre and therefore also has specific responsibilities for advising on national and international collaborative projects within the team.