
The JWMDRC Biobank is a biorepository, containing well-characterised, high-quality specimens. Since 2008, over 18,000 anonymised specimens have been donated by generous patients attending JWMDRC clinics, participating in clinical trials or participating in disease natural history studies. The type of biomaterials we store include the following: skeletal muscle tissue, skeletal muscle and skin derived cell lines, DNA, RNA, whole blood, plasma, serum, CSF and urine.
Specimens from the biorepository have been distributed to researchers not only within Newcastle University but around the globe, with an aim of facilitating translational research of neuromuscular disease (research from the bench to the bedside).
To date, the biobank has supported over 250 researchers from both academia and industry, releasing more than 13,000 vials of specimens. These specimens have directly contributed to >150 publications, in >60 different journals, ultimately furthering the fields understanding into 77 different rare disorders.
Numerous high profile research publications have highlighted the positive impact of neuromuscular biobanking for translational research. They have proven this facility to be essential for:
Advancements to diagnostics
Basic science research
Preclinical research
Drug development
The JWMDRC biobank is an official member of the EuroBioBank network. EuroBioBank is a unique network of biobanks that store and distribute specimens to scientists conducting research on rare diseases. The network consists of 25 RD biobanks located in 11 countries.
A catalogue of the biobanks collection is available to researchers worldwide via the RD-Connect catalogue.
You can access the JWMDRC Biobank Application Form here, and the JWMDRC Biobank Specimen Submission Form here, or via the embedded forms at the bottom of this page.